Construction Update – June 2022
Welcome to the latest construction update for Stage 5 of Kingston Coast. Over the coming months, you will receive regular updates on the progress of Stage 5 construction and surrounding projects.
Stage 5
We are pleased to advise that our engineering plans for Stage 5 are approved and earthworks have begun. This represents the first phase of physical construction, it involves clearing topsoil and levelling and shaping the site to design lot levels. This stage also includes excavation of road reserves in preparation for sewer and drainage installation.
Key Points
Endorsed Engineering plans are now available. They are located on our website or you can access by clicking here.
Earthworks started Monday, June 6th
Titles anticipated Q1, 2023
Design Guidelines are linked for your reference here.
Banks Road Southern Wetlands
Works are progressing with garden bed edging, preparation and mulching complete to the wetlands and embankment areas, with construction of concrete footpaths now underway. Construction of the perimeter nature strips, garden beds and bollards will to commence after footpaths are complete. As a result of delays experienced due to recent poor weather, completion is now anticipated for August 2022.
Open Space Reserve – Stage 4
As a result of our contractor experiencing delays on other projects due to recent poor weather, commencement has been delayed to late June 2022, with completion anticipated for August 2022.
Active Open Space & Regional Sports Field
Design is still on hold for the Kingston Active Open Space reserve & sports field. Updates will be provided when further direction has been provided from Council.
This concludes your June wrap up of Stage 5 and surrounding projects. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram, we will be sharing photos and videos of Stage 5 as we progress.